Skill Level: Beginner

varies, even the time it takes to pass this course… However, after 60
min you'll be able
to distinguish special from common causes and to read Control
Charts. And you'll see that stable processes are not necessarily good
Skill Level: Beginner

varies, even the time it takes to pass this course… However, after 60
min you'll be able
to distinguish special from common causes and to read Control
Charts. And you'll see that stable processes are not necessarily good
Skill Level: Beginner

varies, even the time it takes to pass this course… However, after 60
min you'll be able
to distinguish special from common causes and to read Control
Charts. And you'll see that stable processes are not necessarily good
Skill Level: Beginner

A good understanding of numbers is the first step. Statistics is a means to an end – and very powerful! In this course, you will learn a lot about the basic analysis and presentation of data - the basis for many tools such as process analysis, process capability, process validation, and systematic experimentation (Design of Experiments).
Skill Level: Beginner